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Hailé Selassié
(Ras Taffari)
In 1928 a young feudatory landlord, Ras Taffari, took power and became the emperor Hailé Selassié. He reigned for 46 years. HAILE SELASSIE led one of the first independent and democratic countries in Africa. He was also the first President of the Organization of African Unity. Reggae music is narrowly connected with Haile Selassi and with Ethiopia.
Alex Haley
The Kunta Kinte - Alex Haley Foundation is dedicated to fostering the exploration, rediscovery, and preservation of African American history, culture, archaeology, and genealogy. The Foundation further encourages the search for ethnic "roots" among Americans of all ethnic origins. One role of the Foundation is to continue the symbolic journey begun by the late author Alex Haley in his quest for his own cultural heritage as reflected in his Pulitzer prize-winning book Roots. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
Africa Children's Foundation
Harvest Africa Children's Foundation is dedicated to assisting children of West Africa through a long term commitment providing health care, educational assistance and support to families. HACF was founded in 1996, but the roots of the organization go back to 1989. Cofounder, Gladys Richardson first visited Africa in 1989 and could not forget the plight of the children. Needy children have been helped by subsequent visits to Ghana and Nigeria since 1994.
Harvest Help
Harvest Help provides practical support to rural communities, helping them improve their livelihoods through sustainable farming and increased self-reliance. Since 1985, Harvest Help has provided assistance to over 30,000 people living in some of the poorest villages in Africa. Over the next two years, they aim to double this figure. For over 15 years, Harvest Help has worked with thousands of farmers in southern Africa, helping them to feed their families, earn a living and become more self-reliant. Click on the left link to find out more about their work and how you can get involved.
Ernest Hamingway
In 1954, Ernest Hemingway and his fourth wife Mary toured the Belgian Congo, Kenya, and Rwanda. While flying over Uganda, their plane clipped a telegraph wire and plunged onto the crocodile-infested shores of the Nile. As the Hemingways camped out near the wreckage, false reports of their deaths made world headlines. They rationed their beer and whisky, but were soon rescued by a boat that was well stocked with ale. The couple then climbed into a second airplane - only to have it crash on the airstrip.
Gallery Peter Hermann
(Traditional African Art)
Berlin/Germany Peter Herrmann's Art Gallery presents a unique collection of Traditional African Artifacts from west and central Africa. The collection contains masks and other pieces of art. The gallery is located at the Schlüterstr.42 in Berlin.
Himba People
The origin of the Himba people in Namibia is hidden in much secrecy. What is known is that they are linked to the Herero
speaking people of Southern Africa in language, and in the importance of their matrimonial ancestry method of
determining family ties.One of the very interesting traditions of the Himba people is the so-called law of
friendship or of hospitality. When a strange man, whether on the way to war or just passing by with this livestock,
comes to your isolated settlement, it is vital to receive him with utmost hospitality. He can freely partake in your
food and water and use the shelter of your defensive kraal (the encircled enclosure made of strong stumps and thorn
branches surrounding the huts and the pens for your livestock). As evening settles, one of your wives or daughters
will accompany this man to his hut and be his companion for the night.
Extensive background-information at:
(Humanist Institute for Development Co-operation) is an organisation working to further emancipation and democracy and to combat poverty in developing countries.
Poverty is a consequence of unequal opportunities and an unfair distribution of knowledge, power, production and income - on a global scale and within national states. Hivos feels that the world can only become a sustainable and fair place to live if more people have access to the resources and the decision-making processes that determine their future.
Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is an independent, nongovernmental organization, supported by contributions from private individuals and foundations worldwide. It accepts no government funds, directly or indirectly. Click here if you would like to make a contribution or to view a statement of our operating revenues and expenses. HRW stands with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice. HRW investigates and exposes human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. HRW challenges governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. HRW enlists the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights for all.
The Hunger Site
The Hunger Site is owned and operated by Tim Kunin and Greg Hesterberg, co-owners of Long-time friends and activists, they bought The Hunger Site in mid-August of 2001. Greg and Tim are dedicated to maintaining the site's position as a leader in online activism and a dynamic force in the fight to end world hunger.
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