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Links starting with African
The African
We are on a journey that is energized by the dreams and aspirations of Africans in the New World. THE AFRICAN exposes our culture, our concerns, our dreams, our tensions, our art, our everything. There is a flow from the homeland to the western world. There is also a flow back home. We explore the impact of these flows, offer guidance to weary travelers, offer inspiration, knowledge, and information. THE AFRICAN is a collabrative effort. It is the product of new age Africans putting their sweat, energy, talent and resources together to deliver "must reading" every month.
African Art Gallery
Artists and small-scale traders in various countries of West Africa offer
their products directly through the Internet with various African artifacts
like masks, statues, paintings, and jewelry. Concentrated on Bissau, Guinea,
Ivory Coast, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Each member of this community can be
contacted directly.
African Art Museum
Welcome to a unique collection of African tribal art featuring over 1,000 artifacts from 100 African ethnic groups. Items on display include wooden and bronze statues, masks, religious, ritual and domestic objects, furniture and weapons. Learn about art, culture and history of each ethnic group. The art of African people is extraordinarily vigorous and brilliant in its sense of form and intense emotional life. Its impact upon the development of the modern art started from Picasso, Derain, Braque, and Modigliani and continues to this day. In contrast to Western art, African art is almost never meant to beautify and decorate. It is intended for tribal worship, rituals, magic and communication with the supernatural.
African Barter
THE AFRICAN BARTER COMPANY is a unique entity that is dramatically changing the way in which broadcasters on the African continent are acquiring television programming.
The method by which the African Barter Company is achieving this is based on a system of programme acquisition called "Barter Programming". Barter Programming is a distribution system whereby a finished programme is bartered to a network or broadcaster in exchange for a defined number of commercial spots, which are then sold to advertisers. The primary goal of the African Barter Company is to offer commercial slots in prime time periods in each major market, giving advertisers the opportunity of placing one media buy for the continent or on a pan-regional basis.
African Colours
'African Colours' is an honourable, spirited, inspirational, playful, colourful, and funky virtual showcase and promotion of African artists:
For the artists.
For artlovers, collectors, galleries, and museums.
For others.
African Conservation Foundation
The African Conservation Foundation (ACF) is a UK-Registered Not For
Profit foundation, primarily concerned with education in Africa in the
areas of environment and conservation. It's aims are to promote education
and knowledge about conservation in Africa.
The African Courier
THE AFRICAN COURIER - The International Magazine Published in Germany for Africans and Friends of Africa in Europe,
published six times in a year, the news and cultural magazine reports on African life in Europe by focusing on
immigration, community activities, culture and the arts, and opportunities in tourism, trade and investment in
Africa. It also functions as a medium of news dissemination for the diplomatic missions of African countries and
reports on Africa from an African viewpoint.
African Film Access
Accès Cinéma Africain
Vues d'Afrique is the largest festival of recent film and video from Africa and the Caribbean in North America today. The extraordinary variety and depth of subjects represented by these feature and documentary films and videos, the performances, exhibits and symposia from all over Africa and the Caribbean offer a rich opportunity to experience contemporary African and Creole cultures and the issues that are shaping them today.
African Cultures
This page will give you a lot of information as well as useful links to get more about African countries,
cultures and issues.
All information on this page has been prepared and collected with the best knowledge and intention.
The African Development Bank

The African Development Bank is the premier financial development institution of Africa, dedicated to combating poverty and improving the lives of people of the continent and engaged in the task of mobilising resources towards the economic and social progress of its Regional Member Countries. ADB´s headquarters are in Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire.
African Events
Updating the world with information on African current events and culture through pictures of African people.
Providing African current events online, with pictures of African people, online free essays, and announcements
notices and information on Africa. Established to update the world on African Events around the globe.
African Export-Import Bank
In view of the fact that a properly defined corporate mission remains evergreen, the Bank continues to interpret its mission, derived from its mandate, as follows:
- To stimulate a consistent expansion and diversification of African trade so as to rapidly increase Africa's share of global trade.
- In doing so, to operate as a first class, profit-oriented, financial institution and a center of excellence in African trade matters.
The above mission statement implies that the Afreximbank will continue to serve African trade by ensuring:
a. a consistent growth in African trade;
b. a considerable growth in intra-African trade;
c. an expansion of Africa's non-traditional exports, especially exports of manufactures and services;
d. a diversification of the destination of Africa's exports;
e. that Africa's low share of global trade is improved;
f. the provision of up-to-date information and generation of incisive studies on issues pertaining to African trade and its promotion;
g. the promotion of active participation of the African private sector in the development of African trade.
African Football Association
Confédération Africaine de Football
The African Football Confederation was founded in 1957, it consists of all African National Football Associations, which are members of FIFA and recognized by it as the official bodies controlling football in their respective countries.
African Ghost Hunting Safaris
This site is for people who would like to combine their interest in the weird and mysterious (the paranormal, buried treasure, ghosts, myths and legends, flying saucers, witchcraft, occult crimes, strange but true stories, etc.) with African travel and safaris. The events and stories to which are referred are usually associated with particular places or areas.
African Heritage Dance Theatre
African Heritage Dance Theatre is a multi-cultural informative and entertainment ensemble, based in the Netherlands, under the leadership of Kris Umoebit. The troupe was established with the special focus on the promotion of Nigerian and African arts and culture. African Heritage Dance Theatre is a professional ensemble of trained and multi-faceted artistes with exceptional flair in the performance of a variety of Nigerian dances.
African Horizons
African Horizons offers over 60 safaris and tours to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South African and Seychelles designed for leasure, adventure and business travel. African Horizons' core philosophy is to provide the best of what Africa has to offer.
African Human Rights
This site is a joint project of the Makerere University Human Rights and Peace Center and the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center. This Resource Center was initiated with a generous grant from The John Merck Fund. The Center's staff is proud of the honors received by the Resource Center and the related Human Rights Library as well as their use by people all over the world, which have been made possible by this generous support.
African Lives
Washington Post series of occasional articles chronicles the joys and struggles in the everyday lives of African peoples. Fishermen of Senegal - Child Brides in Ivory Coast - Families of Abidjan - Death in Ghana - Aids in Kenya - Midwives in Ethiopia - The Dinka in Sudan - Young urban Kenyans.
African Metropolis
A cultural overview of African Diaspora; Africa, Melanesia, Caribbean, North, South & Central America. Visit places, see art, music, literature, culture, get the latest African & African American News, business, Search Engines & Web Site Diagnostics.
African Movies
African Movies, News, Fashion, books and Entertainment.
African Music
This unique site presents music files from many African country. Click, listen and enjoy.
African Music Festival
The African Music Festival is the worlds largest annual, international African music event. The festival
originated in Delft, Holland, in 1983 and was created by founder Oko Drammeh, a citizen of the West African
nation of the Gambia, currently residing in Holland. As chairman of the African Arts Foundation, he has
dedicated his life to the presentation, documentation and preservation of the African music and culture.
African Music Radio
AMR is a highly interactive online radio, where the listener is kin,
offering African musicians and promoters of African Music the chance to promote their
music and reach a broader market and audience more effectively.
The African Network
African link-collection: - festivals - recipies - music - movies & books
African newspapers
AJR NewsLink is a joint venture between American Journalism Review magazine and
NewsLink Associates, an online research and consulting firm. It includes features
from AJR magazine, the worldwide online publication lists of NewsLink and original
content created especially for online readers. List includes several online-only
African Odyssey
As part of the Kennedy Center's African Odyssey I, ArtsEdge, the Kennedy Center's national arts and education information network, designed and hosted an "African Odyssey Interactive" (AOI) site on the World Wide Web. The site served as the foundation for an evolving learning community that supported the exchange of ideas, information, and resources between artists, teachers, and students in both the U.S. and Africa.
African Parks Conservation
African Parks (AP) is a Foundation that enters into public-private partnerships with African governments to manage and finance national parks. Main objective is to make national parks viable economic entities, as AP believe that this is the only way to make them sustainable in the long run. With its practical, business-based approach, African Parks hopes to contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of the respective regions. Operations are conducted with the involvement of local communities. African Parks seeks to enable others to use the model independently from its organisation.
©art: Kanu Abu Bakarr
Sierra Leone
African Queen
One of Hollywood's legendary movies took place aboard a rusty, dilapidated boat called the African Queen. Humphrey Bogart as gin-guzzling Charlie Allnutt and Katharine Hepburn as his strait-laced passenger, Rose Sayer, wended their way down the Ulanga and Bora rivers on the African Queen during World War I. The movie is now 49 years old and a classic. But the boat used in the film is 88 years old, built in 1912 for the British East Africa Railway Company. Today, it no longer plies the turbulent rivers in Central Africa, but resides in the safety of the Holiday Inn Marina in Key Largo. The 30-foot steamer's original name was the Livingstone, after the famed 19th-century African missionary explorer. It saw service hauling supplies and passengers on the Victorian Nile and Lake Albert, located on the border of present-day Uganda.
African Religion
Impressive site with links to explanations of Traditional African religion, and Practice of African
Traditional Religion on the continent and in the diaspora. This valuable website is maintained by CHIDI DENIS ISIZOH.
African Reparations
This web site is dedicated to the millions of Africans who contributed the centuries of unpaid labour upon which the Western World advanced, which countries repaid the slaves and their descendants with hatred, discrimination, and contempt. Many great movements throughout the course of Human History have experienced three stages – RIDICULE – DOUBT – ACCEPTANCE.
African Studies Association
The African Studies Association was founded in 1957 as a non-profit organization open to all individuals and institutions interested in African affairs. Its mission is to bring together people with a scholarly and professional interest in Africa. The ASA also provides useful services to the Africanist community. Currently, four periodicals are produced annually. With 3,000 individual and institutional members, the Association is the leading North American organization that promotes African studies. The Association is located at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
African Technology Forum
The Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (GJPAS) is published at the University of Calabar, Nigeria,
and contains many excellent scientific articles dealing with topics of great importance to African scientists,
researchers, and engineers. It covers the biological, agricultural, environmental, and computer sciences, as
well as mathematics, physics, engineering, and medicine. The African Technology Forum spreads the word about
these developments to all interested in Africa's present and future. All African scientific, technical, and
industrial organizations are welcome to join the original African Technology Forum in these and other efforts!
African Theater USA
Providing African theater, African drama, poetry, music, movies, performing arts, and theatrical plays online
with entertainment news, Africa pictures, African costumes, and related information about Africa
African Transcontinental Expedition
The route of the expedition will start in in October 2002 from Morocco along the Western cost to Congo and through the central part to the Eastern cost and along it to the South to SAR. A length of 30000 km and visiting 25 countries.
African Unification Front
The AUF is a historic and global organization that is working to consolidate Africa into a unified political, social, and economic entity, by, among other things, promoting high standards within the governance structures of the African Union, and engaging the broad masses of Africans in the process of integration. The AUF was formed in October 1996. The Front has hundreds of thousands of suppporters in the African Union and around the world who work to stimulate, establish and advance the cause of African sovereignty, freedom and unity.
African Union
The AU is Africa’s premier institution and principal organization for the promotion of accelerated socio-economic integration of the continent, which will lead to greater unity and solidarity between African countries and peoples. The AU is based on the common vision of a united and strong Africa and on the need to build a partnership between governments and all segments of civil society, in particular women, youth and the private sector, in order to strengthen solidarity and cohesion amongst the peoples of Africa.
As a continental organization it focuses on the promotion of peace, security and stability on the continent as a prerequisite for the implementation of the development and integration agenda of the Union.
African Union Constitutive Act
We, Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Organization of African Unity (OAU):
INSPIRED by the noble ideals which guided the founding fathers of our Continental Organization and generations of Pan-Africanists in their determination to promote unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples of Africa and African States;
African Union History
"Creation of the African Union's predecessor the OAU and "Ketema Yifru's Biography" are based on the account of the former Ethiopian Foreign Minister, the late Ato Ketema Yifru".
The African Water Page
The Water Page is an independent initiative dedicated to the promotion of sustainable water resources management and use. A particular emphasis is placed on the development, utilisation and protection of water in Africa and other developing regions.
African Wildlife Foundation
Conserving Wildlife. Respecting all life.
The African Wildlife Foundation, together with the people of Africa, works to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa will endure forever. We have been working with the people of Africa since 1961. Most of our staff is based in Africa, spread between eight countries, working at the grass roots with park managers and communities to safeguard wildlife and wilderness areas.
African Women's Charity Organization
The African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) was set up in 1988 to share information, experiences, ideas and strategies among African women's non-governmental organisations (NGOs) through communications, networking, training and advocacy so as to advance women's development, equality and other women's human rights in Africa. FEMNET's aims to strengthen the role and contribution of African NGOs focusing on women's development, equality and other human rights. It also aims to provide an infrastructure for and a channel through which these NGOs can reach one another and share information, experiences and strategies to as to improve their input into women's development, equality and other women's human rights in Africa.
African Women's Charity Organization
Charity means Love
In the spirit of love for our Mother Africa, the African Women's Charity Organization is an organization of African women and friends, working towards the independence of African people so that African people will not have to be dependent on any other people. Because AWCO understands that Africa is our home (even though some of us may not have been born in Africa) and that charity begins at home, they feel a sense of responsibility to do what we can to help at home.
African World Exploratory
3.5 million BC: In what we know of as Tanzania, a hominid by the name of Australopithecus afarensis is living at Laeotoli. This species has a fully upright posture and is capable of walking.
3.1 Million BC: Ethiopia, c. 3.1 million BC. "Lucy" was a hominid who lived to the age of apprx. 25 and was about four feet in height. Her feet and jaw were huge and primitive.
The African Youth Foundation (AYF) is a non-profit development organisation based in Germany. AYF was to aid young people in Africa, as well as African Nationals abroad, especially college dropouts and unemployed graduates, to undertake projects which will enable them obtain skills necessary for their future livelihoods. The organisation's mandate is to promote youth education for African Nationals abroad and in Africa, as well as gender equality, with a view to mobilising and developing the talents of the youth to contribute more meaningfully to national and global development. A concept which will motivate the youth to begin their own enterprises particularly in the informal sectors, other than migrating to other countries.
The African Youth Parliament is a devoted team of youthful African activists committed to building a peaceful, equitable and sustainable Africa. Through the African Youth Parliament, AYP seeks to build on past challenges and triumphs as a continent, with sights firmly set in the future. The cumulative energies of the African youth in stirring positive action in their local communities and countries is a key ingredient in making the future of the continent prosperous. The African Youth Parliament is all about action, and through it, opportunity is afforded to youthful African activists to present ideas and formulate individual and collective action strategies that will address the continental challenges of HIV/AIDS, the cycle of poverty, conflict, democracy and governance, and sustained economic development.
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