Consultancy & Special Projects
Official Name
Mid East: Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia
Addis Ababa ("new Flower")
Head of State |
President Lt. Girma Wolde-Giorgis
1,127,000 sq km
58.3 million
Growth rate
Amharic & Tigrinya
Ethiopian birr
GNP per capita
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USAfrica Research Information
Situated in the horn of Africa, Ethiopia covers a land twice the size of France, Kenya or Texas & four and half times the
size of Great Britain and Italy. It is the oldest independent state in Africa with 3000 years of history. The word
"Ethiopia" derived from the Greek and means "Land of people with sun burnt faces". Some believe that Ethiopia is the land of genesis.
The territory of Ethiopia is one of the
oldest centers of human habitations. Ethiopian’s history and culture are rich, unique and diverse, and is the most
ancient empire in the world, which goes back thousands of years, came to an end on the 12th of September 1974. The
country's rich history is woven with legends of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba; the Ark of the Covenant that is
said to rest in Axum ; the great Axumite kingdom and the birth of Christianity; the rise of Islam; and the story
of King Lalibela, who is believed to have had constructed eleven rock-hewn churches , still standing today and
considered the eighth wonder of the world.
The majority of Ethiopians eat "Injera" as staple food with variety of
sauces Injera. Sour pan cake like food is prepared from indigenous grain called Teff. Meat, fish and vegetarian meals
are very colorful and tasty. Visitors are highly recommended to try Ethiopia food according to their tastes and preferences.
Many Ethiopians are very particular about clothing. It is usually recommended to wear lighter clothes during the day
and warmer during the night.
Awash reservoir
©2002: Bernard Cloutier
Adis Ababa
©2002: Tourist Office
©2002: Schoelink/NL