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Global Water Volunteers
Aid without Borders

=This is a trial version=



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87 per cent of the world's population - 5.7 billion people - uses drinking water from improved sources. 54 per cent uses a piped connection in their dwelling, plot or yard, and 33 per cent uses other improved drinking water sources such as public taps, standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs and rainwater collection.

GWV is dedicated to a society where all people enjoy the access to pursue clean, safe and healthy water. We contribute to this by strengthening the capacity of local organisations.

Our first mission is to bring relief and aid for water-related problems in third world countries, and in development countries, with the unconditional support and efforts of volunteers from all around the globe.

Our second mission is to create awareness with "rumor around the brand", having promotion-teams to visit public event, handing out leaflets and provide information in special waterdrop boots.


Our motto "Compassion, Humanity and Dignity" challenges volunteers across the world to share their idealism by providing expertise and support to water-projects that have the potential to make a significant contribution to improve the security of water in general.

No strategy for the reduction of poverty can ignore people's vital requirements for water, and sustainable development policies must address the need for equitable and sustainable management of water resources in the interests of society as a whole.

If we do not act, at any given time, half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from a water-related disease. Up to 50% of malnutrition is related to repeated diarrhoea or intestinal nematode infections as a result of unclean water, inadequate sanitation or poor hygiene.

BLUE ANGEL Campaigns

Make rumor around the brand on Global Water Day, having thousands of BLUE ANGEL volunteers in blue outfit (t-shirt) all around the globe, showing the slogan NO WATER NO LIFE, hand-out leaflets or dvd’s to ask awareness for water. This campaign should be sponsored by the water industry players with the objective to support a blue movement; `

This could be at a certain date, and a specific time per region, having volunteers “flash” their t-shirts at whatever place they are at that moment, attracting the attention for the mission;

Having volunteers campaigning during important water events like the Water Week, not at the event itself but in the capitols around the world (Washington, London, Paris, Rome, Beijing, etc.) showcasing the NO WATER NO LIFE t-shirt while handing out leaflets and/or dvds;

Specially on the World Water Day (22 March);

Global Water Volunteers are not limited to have an education or profession in the water industry but would be available to assist campaigns from other organizations, not limited to one continent. Global Water Volunteers come from all corners of the earth, and are engaged to assist around the globe.




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