The Guinean subsoil conceals significant deposits of:
Bauxite: 25Billion tons, accounting for 30% of world reserves approximately
Gold: 1Million tons
Diamond:30Million carats
Moreover, Guinea has the richest high grade iron ore deposits in the world but have not yet been developed:
the SIMANDOU range contains 2Billion tons and the Mount NIMBA 1Billion tons.
Apart from this wealth, the Guinean soil contains not yet exploited limestone deposits (Kindia, Mali and Siguiri),
and natural gas in excess of the rich deposits in Nigeria. There are indications of commercial presence of
cobalt, cupper, nickel, titanium and uranium. Last but not least, offshore oil blocks could lift the Guinea economy high
over Angola and other oil producing nations. Potentially Guinea could raise from one of the world's poorest to one
of African richest countries ever. Don't hesitate to team-up NOW!