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![]() ![]() MPI (MANO PROPERTIES & INVESTMENT INC. & Mano Properties & Investment SL Ltd) is a commercial enterprise, operational in the Mano River Basin - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The company has been established in 2007 as follow up of Mano River Business Consultancy. The Liberian HQ is seated in Monrovia and the Sierra Leone Ltd in Freetown. Presently MPI is fully engaged in the development of palm oil plantations and rice fields in Sierra Leone
There are several examples of success in countries in crisis and in sectors that were not the most attractive to investors that prove that it is possible to achieve a breakthrough and attract international project financing, even when there is no substantial track record. Liberia has much to offer to merging markets around the globe: unlimited natural resources of Iron Ore Bauxite- Natural Gas- Offshore Oil deposits Uranium Diamonds- Gold- Platinum- Forestry and Rubber. The governments in the Mano River Basin are to secure environmentally responsible mining rules and techniques, coupled with long-term economic viability, to control exploration and mining by private enterprise. Minerals of interest include, but are not limited to all active, surveyed, determined. Prospective and reserve deposits of diamond, gold, silver, platinum, petroleum, timber, clay, silica, barite, kyanite, iron ore, bauxite, and other natural resources. There is increasing interest in the possibility of commercially exploitable offshore crude oil deposits along the Atlantic Coast. The governments are willing to provide MPI and its clients further details at meetings:
structural maps
COLTAN MPI has 2 tantalite concessions. The mining sites produce tantalite ore with an average Ta205 content of 5 to 30%. Tantalum is a rare metal that has become important in the electronics industry, mainly because of its high capacitance per unit volume. Many mining and exploration companies, including some large electronic companies, are at present searching for deposits of tantalum. COPPER Some deposits of copper have been located but no exploration or prospecting has taken place yet. It is not knows what the quality and quantities are. MPI has maps of the areas and is in processing satellite survey and sampling on the ground. DIAMONDS A MPI client owns a Diamond Mining Concession in Banankoro, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. The company is prepared to establish a Joint Venture to explore and prospect the concession with the objective to fully research, explore and prospect the concession during a time frame of 6 months, starting 15 December 2007 ending 15 June 2008, after which a decision shall be made to enter into a final sales and purchase agreement of shares in the Joint Venture and the full financing of the operation. When the result and analysis of the exploration are positive, the Investor (investing-JV-partner) shall purchase a majority of Seventy Percent (70%)shares in the project. GOLD An other MPI client owns a Gold Mining Concession in Siguiri, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Client is prepared to establish a Joint Venture to explore and prospect the concession with the objective to fully research, explore and prospect the concession during a time frame of 6 months, starting 15 December 2007 ending 15 June 2008, after which a decision shall be made to enter into a final sales and purchase agreement of shares in the Joint Venture and the full financing of the operation. When the result and analysis of the exploration are positive, the Investor (investing-JV-partner) shall purchase a majority of Seventy Percent (70%)shares in the project. IRON ORE MPI has located 2 feasible iron ore deposits in Sierra Leone and Guinea. The Sierra Leone deposit also contains gold and the estimated quality is 62% Fe203 while the quantity has been estimated at 500million ton. The Guinea deposit has not yet been explored but is expected to contain the same quality and quantity as the SL version. NATURAL GAS Recently a huge deposit natural gas has been discovered in the northern region. So far no exploration has taken place and the government has asked MPI to consider drilling in the subjective region with first right of exploitation. OIL PALM In the region MPI has a mandate for 1million acres (=approx 400,000 hectares) on feasible land to develop into oil palm plantations. 80% of the trees are old and wild oil palms of which 30% still produces oil and the rest is subject of replant. MPI signed exclusive agreements with the land owners and paramount chiefs. The palm oil industry is an emerging area and the demand for alternative energy increases the demand for this product in the coming 30 years. ONSHORE OIL Onshore oil is found on one of MPIs sand concessions in Liberia. The oil floats up but prospecting has not yet been done. TIMBER MPI owns a brand new medium size saw mill that will be entered into a Joint Venture to successfully develop sustainable added value in the processing of wood in Liberia, generating jobs and social improvement. MPI has offers from European and US buyers for 5,000 cub Ekki and Niangon per month. |
African Art
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