Lansana Conté (c. 1934 – 22 December 2008) was the President of Guinea from 3 April 1984 until his
death. He was a Muslim and a member of the Susu ethnic group. Conté was educated at a local Quranic
school and attended Dubréka primary school. He then went on to study at military preparatory schools
in Bingerville, Côte d'Ivoire and Saint Louis, Senegal.
Conté enlisted in the French army in 1955 and served in Algeria. Returning to Guinea in 1958 after
his homeland's independence, he rose through the ranks to become army chief of staff (1975) and
lieutenant colonel (1982). In 1984 he led a coup following President Sékou Touré 's death and became p
resident. He has retained power till his death. Conté was made a general in 1990.